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BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  author       = {Posp{\'i}šilov{\'a}, Dorota and Sekera, Daniel
                 and Ruman, Tibor},
  title        = {Ampelografia Slovenska},
  address      = {Bratislava},
  publisher    = {Modra},
  year         = {2005},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  pages        = {368},
  url          = {},
  keywords     = { },
  bibdate      = {2011-01-11},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  author       = {Smiley, Lisa Ann and Domoto, Paul and Nonnecke
                 Gail and Miller, W. Wade},
  title        = {Cold Climate Cultivars},
  titleaddon   = {A Review of Cold Climate Grape Cultivars},
  publisher    = {Iowa State University - Horticulture Dept.},
  year         = {2008},
  url          = {},
  urldate      = {2011-01-06},
  keywords     = {},
  bibdate      = {2011-01-06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  author       = {Sotol{\'a}ř, Radek},
  title        = {Multimedi{\'a}ln{\'i} atlas podnožov{\'y}ch
                 moštov{\'y}ch a stoln{\'i}ch odrůd r{\'e}vy},
  address      = {},
  publisher    = {Mendelova zemědělsk{\'a} a lesnick{\'a}
  url          = {},
  urldate      = {2011-01-03},
  year         = {2007},
  bibdate      = {2011-01-03},

file article | BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  editor       = {Rejman, Aleksander and Zaliwski, Stanisław},
  title        = {Pomologia},
  address      = {Warszawa},
  publisher    = {Pa{\'n}stwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Le{\'s}ne},
  year         = {1956},
  bibdate      = {2011-01-02},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  author       = {Niesiołowski, Kazimierz},
  title        = {Szkice i sylwetki z przeszło{\'s}ci Pleszewa},
  address      = {Pleszew},
  publisher    = {Kazimierz Niesiołowski},
  year         = {1938},
  keywords     = { },
  note         = {notatka biograficzna o Ignacym Urba{\'n}skim},
  url          = {},
  bibdate      = {2011-01-02},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Ogr{\'o}d winoro{\'s}lowy},
  publisher    = {PWRiL},
  year         = {1997},
  author       = {My{\'s}liwiec, Roman},
  edition      = {2},
  owner        = {sapi},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.13},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Amatorska uprawa winoro{\'s}li},
  publisher    = {WODR},
  year         = {2000},
  author       = {Pietrzak, Bożena},
  address      = {Bartoszewice},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Amatorska uprawa winoro{\'s}li},
  publisher    = {Krajowa Rada Polskiego Związku Działkowc{\'o}w},
  year         = {1997},
  author       = {Lisek, Jerzy},
  address      = {Warszawa},
  edition      = {2},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Amatorska uprawa winoro{\'s}li},
  publisher    = {Krajowa Rada Polskiego Związku Działkowc{\'o}w},
  year         = {1993},
  author       = {Lisek, Jerzy},
  address      = {Warszawa},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  author       = {Ambrosi, H. and Dettweiler, E. and Ruehl, E. H.
                 and Schmid, J. and Schuman, F.},
  title        = {Guide des cepages. 300 cepages et leurs vins},
  titleaddon   = {},
  address      = {Paris},
  publisher    = {Les Editions E.Ulmer},
  year         = {1997},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Opis 300 odmian winoro{\'s}li. Synonimy nazw.},
  bibdate      = {2010-02-11},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Uprawa winoro{\'s}li},
  publisher    = {PWRiL},
  year         = {2003},
  author       = {My{\'s}liwiec, Roman},
  address      = {Warszawa},
  edition      = {1},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Oz Clarke's Encyclopedia of Grapes},
  publisher    = {Harcourt Inc.},
  year         = {2001},
  author       = {Oz, Clarke and Rand, Margaret},
  address      = {New York},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Encyklopedia odmian winoro{\'s}li. Kr{\'o}tkie
                 opisy ponad 300 odmian winoro{\'s}li
                 gł{\'o}wnie pod kątem przydatno{\'s}ci do
                 wyrobu wina. Ponad 550 zdję{\'c}.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Taschenbuch der Rebsorten},
  publisher    = {Fachferlag Fraund},
  year         = {1998},
  author       = {Hillerbrand, Walter and Lott, Heinz and Pfaff
  address      = {Mainz},
  edition      = {1},
  note         = {Opisy odmian winoro{\'s}li. Zdjęcia gron.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Krzewy jagodowe},
  publisher    = {Elipsa},
  year         = {1997},
  author       = {Buczacki, Stefan},
  address      = {Warszawa},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Rozdział po{\'s}więcony uprawie winoro{\'s}li.
                 Opis nielicznych odmian.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Szoeloefajtak. A szoeloe koernyezetbarat
  publisher    = {Mezoegazda Kiado},
  year         = {1998},
  author       = {Vanek, Gaspar},
  address      = {Budapeszt},
  edition      = {1},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Opisy odmian winoro{\'s}li wraz z rysunkami gron.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Vinic 1 - Odrody},
  publisher    = {Priroda},
  year         = {1995},
  author       = {Vanek, Gaspar},
  address      = {Bratyslava},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Opisy klasycznych odmian winoro{\'s}li. Brak
                 zdję{\'c}. Rysunki gron.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Pomologia systematyczna. t. II},
  publisher    = {Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN},
  year         = {1993},
  author       = {Sękowski, Bolesław},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Odmianoznawstwo. Zawiera rozdział po{\'s}więcony
                 winoro{\'s}lom i ich odmianom.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

file article | BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Pomologia. Odmianoznawstwo ro{\'s}lin
  publisher    = {PWRiL},
  year         = {1994},
  editor       = {Rejman, Aleksander},
  address      = {Warszawa},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Pomologia. Zawiera duży rozdział po{\'s}więcony
                 winoro{\'s}lom i ich odmianom.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {La Vigne},
  publisher    = {Editions Rustica},
  year         = {2000},
  author       = {Retounard, Denis},
  address      = {Paris},
  edition      = {1},
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  note         = {Poradnik amatorskiej uprawy winoro{\'s}li
                 (sadzenie, przycinanie, zbi{\'o}r
                 przechowywanie). Przegląd kilkunastu odmian.},
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

BibTeX source | Google Books | Google Scholar
  title        = {Jancis Robinson's guide to wine grapes},
  publisher    = {Oxford University Press},
  year         = {1996},
  author       = {Robinson, Jancis},
  address      = {New York},
  edition      = {1},
  note         = {Og{\'o}lne opisy odmian winoro{\'s}li
                 (gł{\'o}wnie pod kątem przydatno{\'s}ci do
                 cel{\'o}w winiarskich). Opisy licznych odmian
  isbn         = {}, WorldCat | Amazon
  timestamp    = {2010.02.06},

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